2014年5月27日 星期二

Thieves Essential Oil (小偷精油)


小偷精油複方源自於十四世紀法國的一群盜賊,他們在搶劫瘟疫病患後卻不被感染,原因是使用丁香、 迷迭香、 與其他芳香植物而得以免疫,Young Living的小偷精油取自丁香的抗菌特性以及肉桂的清潔特性,與其它精油調配後,對於消除空氣中的細菌有超強的效果。

  • 丁香,肉桂,迷迭香,檸檬,尤加利

  • 使用2-3滴在膠囊中再吞服,每天為保護免疫加分
  • 滴在舌頭上或滴入一片麵包之後吞嚥,有助於消除不舒服的口中氣味
  • 在使用Young Living的噴霧器擴散小偷精油,可以消除空氣中的細菌和氣味。
  • 滴在棉花棒放在背包,汽車,或任何空氣需要清淨的地方。
  • 加入4-5滴的小偷精油來洗碗,可以徹底清潔碗碟以及消除細菌和異味。

  • 我用 20% Thieves + 80% V6 用有滾輪設備的樽,在鼻兩旁滾動一下,便能減少鼻水。試過起身時感到痛楚,應該係一邊鼻已經發炎,還有塊狀的鼻水,而我就一小時內滾三兩次,就已經可以無痛無鼻水。俾小朋友用,可以係 5% Thieves + 5% Lavender + 5% RC + 85% V6 用有滾輪設備的樽,因為20%對小孩來講太刺激了。
  • 小朋友開始返學,容易感染疾病 ,每天出門,用一滴 Thieves 精油搽腳底,可以保護小孩減低感染。

50 Ways to Use Thieves Essential Oil

  1. First Aid; apply 1-2 drops Thieves essential oil to cuts or open wounds to prevent infection and promote healing. More on making a natural First Aid kit.
  2. Mix one drop with a tablespoon of water, gargle and swallow for a sore throat.
  3. Apply 2 drops Thieves essential oil diluted with 1 TBSP V-6 Massage Oil to upper chest and throat for bronchitis.
  4. Put a drop on your thumb and push thumb on the roof of your mouth for a few minutes to stop a headache.
  5. Put 5-8 drops in a capsule with a little olive oil and swallow at first sign of a cold.
  6. Freshen smelly shoes or sneakers; put several drops Thieves essential oil on a cotton ball, place cotton ball in shoes over night to kill odors.
  7. Put a couple drops of Thieves essential oil directly on the soles of your feet to protect you from colds and flu throughout the day. See more of my immune system tips.
  8. Diffuse Thieves essential oil in your home to keep airborne germ count down. More on diffusers and diffusing.
  9. Breathe in the vapors directly from the bottle when you have lung congestion.
  10. Use 4-6 drops diluted with 1 cup water in a spray bottle to clean pet cages, creating a healthier environment for them.
  11. Add a few drops to your dishwasher for cleaner dishes.
  12. Add a several drops to your laundry cycle to sanitize clothes.
  13. Clean and disinfect floors; to a bucket of water add 1/4 cup white vinegar and 8-12 drops Thieves essential oil. If the floor is particularly dirty add several drops of dishwashing soap.
  14. Mix 4 drops in a 4oz. spray bottle filled with water as a spray and repel insect pests on your flowers and plants.
  15. Use a few drops on a tissue to dissolve the gummy adhesive on price labels.
  16. Apply 1 drop to bee and wasp stings to neutralize the toxin and relieve the pain.
  17. Rub a couple drops Thieves essential oil on gums to prevent and treat gum disease.
  18. Rub 1-2 drops on teeth to maintain healthy teeth and reduce cavities.
  19. Apply a drop or two to gums or tooth for pain relief from toothaches.
  20. Diffuse to solve mold problems.
  21. Add a drop or two to orange juice and drink to reduce phlegm and congestion.
  22. Apply 4 drops mixed with 1 TBSP V-6 Massage Oil to joints for pain relief and to hasten healing.
  23. Put a drop in your cup of tea for flavor and to maintain health.
  24. Put a drop on the tip of your tongue to help you stop smoking.
  25. Put a drop with a little V-6 on cold sores and cancer sores to help them disappear.
  26. Dryer sheet; on a damp washcloth place 4-6 drops Thieves essential oil, toss in dryer with laundry, dry.
  27. Rub 2-4 drops mixed with 1 TBSP V-6 on sore joints to relieve arthritis pain.
  28. Drink a few drops in water or juice every three hours to stop a cold.
  29. Place a drop on the tongue and a drop in a glass of water every day for herpes.
  30. Rub 2 drops on the bottoms of children’s feet for protection before school every day.
  31. Diffuse for 30 minutes before children come home from school every day to promote wellness.
  32. Mix 50:50 with V-6 Massage Oil and rub on location daily for relief of shingles, see more details and another protocol for shingles.
  33. Apply a drop on the wound of a cat or dog to clear it up.
  34. Diffuse Thieves essential oil in the home or office to stimulate a cheerful mood.
  35. Diffuse in Thieves essential oil the office to increase concentration and work efficiency.
  36. Diffuse at work to ward off cold and flu germs.
  37. Diffuse Thieves essential oil in the classroom every morning for 30 minutes to reduce student sickness and absenteeism.
  38. Carpet freshener and disinfectant; put 16-20 drops Thieves essential oil in 1 cup Baking Soda, in a container and mix well, allow to sit over night covered so the essential oil can be absorbed. Sprinkle on carpet, let sit for a little while, then vacuum.
  39. Mix 1-2 drops with honey in a teaspoon for cough relief.
  40. Breathe directly from the bottle for sinus headaches.
  41. Mix 15-20 drops in a 14oz. spray bottle and mist school or office desks and other surfaces to reduce student or employee sickness and absenteeism.
  42. Put several drops on a tissue and place in the vent of the A/C of a hotel to freshen and purify stale air.
  43. Scented vacuum bag; put 2-4 drops Thieves essential oil on your paper vacuum bag to freshen air while vacuuming.
  44. Mix 4-8 drops in a 1oz. (pocket-size) spray bottle filled with water to spray public restroom surfaces before use to disinfect surfaces.
  45. Carry a bottle on every flight to inhale or rub on soles of the feet to protect you from germs on the plane.
  46. Put several drops Thieves essential oil on a tissue and put in the heat/AC vents of your car to freshen and purify air while you drive.
  47. Sanitize kitchen countertops; put 12-18 drops in a 14oz. spray bottle filled with water and spray surfaces to clean and disinfect countertops and butcher blocks.
  48. Mix several drops with 1 cup of baking soda to scrub and sanitize bathtubs and sinks.
  49. Apply 4-6 drops mixed with V-6 Massage Oil to the toes and feet to combat foot fungus.
  50. Apply 2-4 drops Thieves essential oil mixed with 1 TBSP V-6 Massage Oil to poison ivy rashes to relieve the itch.

Thieves 清潔產品

Thieves foaming hand soap 潔手泡沫
Young Living盗賊潔手泡沫能同時清潔及滋潤雙手肌膚, 揉合調理级精油,包括盗賊、純檸檬、甜橙精油,以及銀杏及維他命E。盗賊潔手泡沫配方溫和,是化學肥皂最理想的天然代替品,即使經常使用也不會使肌膚乾燥或變得粗糙。

Thieves waterless hand purifier 殺菌護手液

Thieves Spray清潔噴霧
細菌很容易透過家具表面從人傳人散播。經常保持家具表面清潔,可以有效保護家人健康,讓他們遠離細菌及疾病。Young Living盗賊清潔噴霧用法簡單方便,能有效清潔及保護家具表面。瓶身細小輕巧,方便於旅行時使用或隨時攜帶於手袋或背囊中。

Thieves Wipes濕巾

Thieves cleansing soap 潔膚皂

Thieves Household Cleaner 家居清潔液

Thieves Oral Care 口腔護理
  • Thieves Dentarome Toothpaste 清新牙膏  (Essential oils: Thieves, peppermint)
  • Thieves Dentarome Plus Toothpaste 清新潔白牙膏 (Essential oils: Thieves, peppermint, wintergreen)
  • Thieves Dentarome Ultra Toothpaste 清新特效潔白牙膏 (Essential oils: Thieves, peppermint, clove, Eucalyptus globulus, thyme, wintergreen)
  • Thieves AromaBright Toothpaste
  • Thieves Dental Floss 清新牙線
  • Thieves fresh essence plus mouthwash 倍加清新漱口水



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 除此之外,女人還要會熟練地干家務,做一手好菜。 ”




